Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Ok, it's bad enough that my bathroom was invaded by aliens the other day, but this morning I get up this morning and find a pair of feet dangling right outside my window!!!

Then I look at my deck, which I just meticulously cleaned this past week, strewn with paint chips all over the place! No warning... nobody thinking to put down a TARP....!! HELLO!!!!

Not only that, but I find a huge scaffolding hanging dangerously and precariously right above me as I walk out on the deck! Yes, ok, the building badly needs painting (see picture below), but can't I have some kind of warning or notice when it involves my personal space??!!

I was shocked and furious. House painters have arrived and are chipping off the old paint on the house. Did anyone notify me or anyone else in the apartment house this was going to occur??? NOOOOOOO!! No matter what I yelled out to them or how loud, they (of course!) could not (would not?) understand a word of English!..

So, I got the landlord on the phone and got him to come up here to see what was going on. Now picture this: Mr. German Landlord was now out there speaking pigeon-English with a German accent trying to communicate with the Mexican workers! This should have been on America's Funniest Videos (except it wasn't funny!). He finally got them to put down a tarp and told them that when they finished work today, they would have to CLEAN UP MY DECK! To add to this International Incident, I have only one thing to add: a very JEWISH "OY VEY"!!!!

Paint chips were EVERYWHERE (even in my barbecue pit) and plugging up the outside drain! And if there is anything that gets Herr Landlord upset, it's having any kind of loose residue, leaves, etc. going down the outside drain and plugging it up for fear it will cause another flood on my deck! Glad he saw that it was not my fault and that his workers were at fault. In fact, he did get mad at them and was out there cursing in German!!

Not only was it a mess, it was dangerous, as I had no idea that the scaffolding was right above my head when I walked out onto the deck!!! Geez!!

Never a dull day here! Totally wreaked havoc on my concentration and couldn't get a damn thing done today. If I had a chimney, I wouldn't even be surprised to find Santa Claus stuck in it!!!

5:00 or not, it's time for a drink!

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Right now, there are 2 Mexican men in my bathroom!! Are they hiding out from the Immigration Authorities?? No, they are here, upon command of our Landlord, installing a new low flow WHITE toilet! Now, that sounds fine, except.....

That my bathroom fixtures are all yellow! And my plush black bathroom carpet (which is now hard to find) is cut to the OLD toilet dimensions (!), ... And my special toilet flush handle shaped like a Leopard may not now fit on the new toilet!! And my specially ordered ZEBRA toilet seat may not fit the new toilet!!! ACHHHHHHHH!

Oh, and now I just found out that the new toilet is SHORTER, and now I have to move a shelf! Oy vey...!

I am not a happy camper. This is where being eccentric and exotic doesn't work!! Ha ha!! I tried to talk my way out of even getting a new toilet, but it's now the code and I guess I have to go along with the plan. So I am going to try and paint it when they are all done. There is a type of paint that does go over porcelain, so I'm gonna give it a try! But now I may have to get a new carpet and toilet seat! Landlords don't care about that type of 'inconvenience and cost', but the Rent Board told me this morning that it can be construed as a Decrease of Service if your fixtures are changed to the point where the integrity of the room is changed. So I may have to now file a Decrease of Service Petition. Arghhhhhh! Does it ever end?!! Yes, indeed, I am having a CRAPPY day!

Is this what they mean by Things Coming to a Head???? Or does this qualify as "SH**T HAPPENS"?


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