Tuesday, February 05, 2008


SUPER Tuesday? SUPER Bowl?..... Everything lately seems to be just peachy keen SUPER.

Super Tuesday for me takes on a whole different meaning, for it was exactly one year ago today, February 5, 2007, I lost my mother. Nothing super about that.

As most people were preoccupied with lighting up the voting booth today, I was lighting a candle.

As most people are concerned who will sweep their state, I would give anything to see my mom in her house sweeping her kitchen floor once more.

As most TV anchors are yakking about CAUCASES, I'd give anything to once again experience the RUCKUS we used to have at Mom's house when we had to try to park 3 cars in a 2 car spot!

As most voters are either Conservative or Liberal, it only reminds me of how Mom was a real conservative with her money, but oh so liberal with her love, generosity and wonderful home cooking.

As we continue to hear the results of the EXIT POLLS, I fondly remember little Mama backing that huge Monte Carlo out her driveway, and always successfully managing to avoid hitting the telephone POLE upon EXITING!

As one of the major issues of the day is Health Care, how well I remember Mama taking Care of our Health when we were kids with those old time mustard plasters and Vicks Vaporub!

As some political parties are obsessed about Progressive Grass Roots, I sit here with a glass of wine laughing to myself about the time Mom tied herself to the tree out on her front hillside so she wouldn't slip on the leaves as she dug up her GRASS ROOTS!

As the results of the Primaries continue to roll in, I reflect upon how my mother was such a PRIMARY force in my life, and how much I miss her.

Therefore, on this SUPER Tuesday, I NOMINATE my Super Mother for bringing such joy and laughter into my life, VOTE that her spirit live on forever in the minds of all her had the good fortune to know her, and congratulate her on the biggest win of all, bringing her love and laughter to Heaven and winning over every last angelic candidate!

So today, February 5, 2008, one year after God elected her to join him, I cast my vote: my MOM for PRESIDENT of Heaven!


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