Now I Do My A, B, C's....
When I took this job at this law school, I had no idea that I'd be GOING to school!! I feel like a little kid with the tasks I am being given to do. This morning the boss comes up to my desk and hands me a pile of zeroxed pages from a law book. Some parts are crossed off and not needed. I am then told I have to CUT the good parts out and then PASTE the pieces onto a white sheet of paper! THEN, he gives me several sheets of paper with over 300 little numbers on them and tells me to peel off each number and paste it on the pasted zeroxed page of the law book!! So now I am CUTTING and PASTING! This is absolutely demeaning and ridiculous. I am not a publisher. I am not an editor. Isn't this something the Reprographics Dept. should be doing?!! He tells me this project will take QUITE A WHILE!
I have been at this all day now, cutting and pasting, pasting and cutting, with the GLUE STICK, ad nauseum! B-O-R-I-N-G!!! I have already gone through 3 glue sticks, and I'm getting high on the GLUE!!! In fact, I'm beginning to wonder if some of those addicts who loiter around in front of the building might be ex-employees who had my job and became addicted to the damn glue!!! And if I keep this up, I might be out there with them with a glue stick stuck on the end of my nose!
Here is my 'post graduate' work .......

And here are the little numbers that I have to cut out one by one!.....
I have been at this all day now, cutting and pasting, pasting and cutting, with the GLUE STICK, ad nauseum! B-O-R-I-N-G!!! I have already gone through 3 glue sticks, and I'm getting high on the GLUE!!! In fact, I'm beginning to wonder if some of those addicts who loiter around in front of the building might be ex-employees who had my job and became addicted to the damn glue!!! And if I keep this up, I might be out there with them with a glue stick stuck on the end of my nose!
Here is my 'post graduate' work .......

And here are the little numbers that I have to cut out one by one!.....

Here is where I have to stick the little numbers!......