Friday, July 22, 2005

THINKING AHEAD is Not a Government Requirement

Yesterday there we were in the mailroom when all of a sudden one of the leading Professors comes in and drops a bombshell with a simple question.... "Where do we put outgoing mail??" Evidently, with all the confusion of the move from one building to another, someone FORGOT to figure out where people are supposed to put outgoing mail! Just a 'slight' problem, since all the professors and other people HAVE to have somewhere to drop off their mail. You shoulda seen the look on my co-worker's faces; blank stares, puzzlement and NO ANSWER. Not only was there no place to put out-going mail, but there was no one to take care of putting the correct postage and labels on packages or envelopes! Professors and managers should not have to worry about figuring out postage, etc.

One of my co-workers suggested that a mail carton could be placed on the floor in the mailroom there, and out-going mail could be placed in there. Well, that did not sit well Mr. Professor at all... he says, "I'm not going to take a chance and drop my mail in some box on the floor, especially with other boxes all over the floor!" Then one of my co-workers had the audacity to throw in the 'brilliant' suggestion that Mr. Professor could WALK all the way over to our Federal building, GO UP to the 4th floor, GET THE KEY (from someone he did not know!), GO TO to Rm 4XX and drop the mail off there! Obviously, he did not like that either, and frankly, I don't blame him one bit. The professors and other senior staff members shouldn't have to run around trying to find the right room or get a key or whatever else simply to drop off outgoing mail! Again, this should be a job for a assigned mail person to make the rounds and pick up the outgoing mail, and/or have the outgoing mail in a central place that is accessible to everyone. I couldn't believe this hadn't been thought out, and now it was a problem!

I tried being helpful and put in my 2 cents that there was a mail box in our Federal building in the lobby. Omigod, that was quickly shot down, as I was told that NO ONE except the FEDS are allowed to use that mailbox!! WHAT???!! If mail is going out, what does it matter who put it in there??!! But no, that is the FED'S MAILBOX! Kind of like the FED'S FRIDGE, I guess!! I'm tempted to drop off my electricity bill in there just to see if it goes into a black hole. But with my luck, it probably will, and then my electricity will get cut off for non-payment! Geez.

This morning, the outgoing mail problem is the talk of the office. Boss is in here right now discussing this dilemma with my co-workers. I am trying to stay out of this. Whichever way you look at this, the problem of having our company split between 3 buildings is ludricrous. And what makes it even more ridiculous is that some of our staff are still in the old building, even though the reason they moved our department in the first place was because that building is getting retrofitted... So if some people can stay, why couldn't we?! .... especially since we are the ones having to do the dumb mail in the old building and are the ones ending up having to trek back and forth to the old building delivering things!! This does not make sense, but then this IS the government!

It is now 3 hours later than when I first started this blog, and they are STILL discussing the problem of the out-going mail! God almighty, you would think that they are trying to work out the launch logistics for the NASA space shuttle!!

2 Talk Back to Me Here:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a suggestion from an engineer. go to home depot and buy a mailbox. one of the old fashioned rural kind, gray or black metal with the little red flag you can raise.
take it back to the office and nail the silly thing to a desk or a table in the mailroom. or, if necessary, strap it to one of those stupid green office chairs!
hey.... its better than a cardboard box on the floor!!

1:53 PM  
Blogger LADYGOLD said...

LOL!! I can just see it already!! A green mailbox taped onto the green chair!! That would DEFINITELY be a government solution!!!

2:39 PM  

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