A Picture is Worth A Thousand Nerds
There are these signs - NO LOITERING - in most of the building's windows, yet outside, on the lawns, on the monuments, on the sidewalks, and even under the signs themselves (!) there are bums and riff-raff LOITERING! Yet, Me, Yours Truly, Myself, Moi, gets in trouble for putting my sandwich in the fridge!!
Here is a picture of the long halls, ergo THE LONG HAUL... or From Here to Eternity...
Next is a shot of my workspace... doesn't look tooo bad I guess. Notice the ergoCRAPIC green chair...

Remember I told you about the bathroom sinks in the offices? Well, how's this for decor? SINK THE BISMARCK!
"Bad Boys Bad Boys... Whatcha Gonna Do If They Come For You!"....
Remember me describing the TV in the pink lunch room? Well, here it is in all its Plasma glory! You've heard of 'Breaking News'? Well, this is Breaking TV!
These, believe it or not, are our (Government-budgeted) FILE CABINETS....

And this is the POLITICALLY INCORRECT garbage can in my office ... And notice what it says right under 'Stop'.....WHITE paper only!! Holy Moley! Discriminatory garbage!!
And now, here is the infamous MAIL ROOM and all the MAILBOXES!
Please notice all the heavy, clumsy boxes we have to shuffle around!
Monday I spent the better part of the day CUTTING OUT LABELS... This was my therapy project for the day! Am I in Kindergarten or in a Rehabilitation Home? I was expecting the Recess Bell to ring at any time or the man in white coat to bring me back to my padded cell!
And last but not least, the toilet. See where the flush is? When you reach down to flush, you nearly fall in and flush yourself!