My heart goes out, and I am so very distressed to hear about the horrific murder of Dan Horowitz's wife. I had the honor of being able to meet Dan during the Peterson trial in Redwood City earlier this year, and he is a genuinely nice and decent guy. He was kind enough to stop and take a photo with me even though he was extremely busy and in demand from all the networks wanting his legal commentary.
Seeing him break down and cry tonight on Nancy Grace (CNBC) was just absolutely heartbreaking. How sad that after he met and married his one true love and soulmate, he had her snatched away from him in this horrible manner. How ironic life is: the Defender becomes the Victim...
Seeing him break down and cry tonight on Nancy Grace (CNBC) was just absolutely heartbreaking. How sad that after he met and married his one true love and soulmate, he had her snatched away from him in this horrible manner. How ironic life is: the Defender becomes the Victim...